Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Web Meditation 11 March 2009

I have been at this 'think tank' for two days now, and it has gotten me thinking about discernment. Discernment is a hard word to define especially in lives of faith. When we really start asking the question, "What would you have me do, God," we begin a process that is always mysterious and often ambiguous. Indeed a foggy Scottish night can often feel more clear then discerning our paths.

The best way that I can describe discernment is being absolutely open to God with no expectations. Open because you must expose and give of yourself, must make every aspect of your being available for God to work with. Have no expectations because that is how we remove our fallen will and desire, and we can accept whatever God calls us to.

I'm not sure how well the preceding paragraph explains discernment, however the following prayer says it well:

I do not know what to ask you.
You alone know my real needs,
and you love me more
than I even know how to love.
Enable me to discern my true needs
which are hidden from me.
I ask for neither cross nor consolation;
I wait in patience for you.
My heart is open to you.
For your great mercy's sake,
come to me and help me.
Put your mark on me and heal me,
cast me down and raise me up.
Silently I adore your holy will
and your inscrutable ways.
I offer myself in sacrifice to you
and put all my trust in you.
I desire only to do your will.
Teach me how to pray
and pray in me, yourself.
Vasily Drosdov Philaret, c. 1780 - 1867

Question for today:
Will you be open to God?

This meditation is also posted on the website of the Church of the Resurrection.

1 comment:

Bob G+ said...

Jason - I think the quote and what you wrote describes the preparation for discernment, and perhaps not "discernment" itself.

Here's why - I agree completely that part of the discernment process is getting out of oneself and being completely open to God's doing and will. Yet, discernment leads to making decisions. Through a variety of means, we determine what is a wrong path and what is a right one, what is false and what is true, what is good and what is bad, what is healthy and what is not, what is of God and what is of the Enemy-of-Our-Faith - all for the purpose of realizing God's will being accomplished in and through out lives.

The next step after emptying ourselves is crucial!